Memory Lane - updated

When I was a child we had a mantel clock that chimed the quarters with Westminster chimes. Every time I am at Oxburgh in the drawing room or library I love to hear the clocks striking the hour  and decided I wanted one - but it seemed extravagant - I have lots of clocks already.
Back at the beginning of July (before I even thought of getting another puppy) I booked a two day break for this week to go to Stratford-upon-Avon  and see the Antic Disposition's performance of Shakespeare's Henry V in the Christ Church there. Although I had been greatly looking forward to it, I was now worried about leaving Sprite and also Bess so I decided not to go. As I had booked and paid for the hotel in July, the money had been spent and forgotten so the refund back onto my credit card this week was the deciding factor in getting a chiming clock. It is different from the one we had - smaller, and of course, battery not wind-up but the sound is very similar and I love it - I am already referring to it as my 'Henry V' clock. Tonight I would have seen the play and the memory would last a while, then fade. The clock will last longer!

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