Night Geocaching!

I went along to Holt Country Park this evening with Henry. There we met Jon and his Cromer Explorers, plus the Sheringham Explorers who have recently joined forces with them, as they are both quite small groups. In all there were 15 of us, all with head torches. I didn't really know what to expect, but apparently there is a night trail - tiny reflective studs, on some of the trees. They are caught in the beam of the head torch. So far so good. After a little while, and with the group stretched out a long way ahead, we seemed to lose the trail. After calling everyone back together we thought we must have taken a wrong turn or missed an indicator. All this in the dark in the middle of the woods. Woods we didn't really know that well in the dark!! I was amazed we didn't lose anyone! We continued our walk, and then started searching for some regular geocaches. We found a couple. All seemed to enjoy their evening, and ended with hot chocolate and biscuits in the car park, prepared by one of the Sheringham leaders.

We used to do a lot of geocache hunting when the children were little, and now I think I want to get back into it. It might be a good way to spend the lunchtime walks now there aren't any hares to hunt for!

Only just got home from our evening. A busy weekend ahead. One more work day...

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