Southmead Hospital Staircase
A really crazy day today. After yesterday's allergic reaction when someone ate peanuts in a meeting I went to the doctors this morning as per guidance. Then the fire alarm went off just after midday and the refuge is in the mess room and someone had just made a very spicy meal that even caused a reaction in the corridor. I was told to wait by the door, but also I had been told not to be on my own if I was feeling unwell. By the time the fire warden came back from his checks I was struggling to breathe. There weren't any first aiders in the building but thankfully our Occ Health Nurse was so she took me to the first aid room and was poised with my adrenaline pen just in case. Thankfully it wasn't needed.
This evening we went to Southmead hospital to see Dad who was taken in yesterday morning with chest pains, and it seemed at first to be angina but it transpired today he had a heart attack and now needs to be transferred to the BRI for a triple valve bypass. He seemed in fairly good spirits all things considered, as he is also a very active person.
I read this sad news last night about a work colleague. He is such a lovely guy and will be devastated:
I will try to catch up with journals tomorrow. I am a bit tired now and my shoulder is a bit sore.
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