The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Viaduct over the Thames and Severn canal

I used to walk to work along the canal. My new walk to work takes in a few hundred yards of the canal, before I peel off across Rodborough fields and up through the housing estate to the school on the hill.

My sports tracker says I walked four miles today. But that didn't count my earlier walk to the edge of town, to pick up an order that wasn't an order, and some coconut yoghurt. The weather was sunny all day. I got several things done today that I'd been putting off, and still arrived at the school on time.

The children I look after are well-behaved, and we had a great crafting session before we had to walk across town. We were all a bit tired after that, but I had to make supper.

Back home now. Steve cooked our supper. I've Freegled a whiteboard (more space!) and taken delivery of some lavender bags to sell on my stall, to help a friend's daughter fundraise for her Africa trip next year.

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