An Apple a Day...

By anappleaday


You know what kind of economy we're in when my two big exciting purchases are new trash cans and a new broom from Ikea! I am blipping these tonight because 1) I am completely out of blip inspiration but because I gave a lot of advice to another blipper about getting through slumps I feel obligated to practice what I preach and 2) because Mr. Apple and I got in an argument over these trash cans tonight. (I think their cuteness outweighs any potential downsides and the thought of going back to the old cans made me cry, he thinks they are impractical and that outweighs the cuteness.) Also, I recently discovered sweeping (don't ask why it took so long) and am still amazed by how much stuff you can sweep up off the floor every day.

*completely un-photoshopped image

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