
It bucketed down with rain last night and was still coming down quite heavily when I got up this morning. Jassie still needed to be walked though so I donned the Drizabone and hat and off we went.

My reason for keeping the walking up is because I am teaching her as many instructions as I can while we walk. Unfortunately nobody ever taught he how to walk on a lead so we are really starting with basics. I doesn't help that she has panic attacs either.

Still the walk this morning was quite refreshing. Wet but not at all cold.

I got in a bit of bother with Jo for bringing my Drizabone in the house after not using it for a year or so. Spiders, she said. Ah yes. So I gave it to her and got her to check it. I am petrified of spiders you see.

We are off out this evening to listen to some live country music and no doubt have a few bevvies. I am looking forward to it.

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