
First some news of Emma's leg! MRI showed good progress in her navicular bone. She need to use one crutch and a walking cast boot for 1-2 weeks when walking outside of home. At home she can start walking normally.  Physiotherapy will start next week. It may take 12 more weeks before she can train basketball normally again - MRI control in January will tell more about that. Stress fractures of the tarsal navicular bone take long time to heal.

In the evening I went to Yo-talo with my colleague Meri to Jenni Janakka's Röyhkeyskoulu presentation, kind of empowerment training. Very interesting topic and Janakka was great performer. See the extra shot! Amy Cuddy's Power Poses  was one of the topic discussed. One other topic was Tiffany Dufu's book Drop the Ball: Achieving More by Doing Less

There are paintings of music and film stars on the wall of Yo-talo hall.  The picture of Princess Leia Organa / Carrie Fisher was very captivating to me.

+6°C, rainy morning and cloudy day

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