Games We Play
I have started playing a little game with the Red-Bellied Woodpecker. He makes his loud, endearing call (if you have ever heard one, you know what I mean!) and I know that he is near. I watch for him and when he is spotted, I take one peanut and wedge it in some wood - on the fencing or in a tree. He either has superior eye sight or a keen sense of smell because he locates it so quickly. Perhaps it is my imagination, but he seems to pose for me, as if to say, "Got it!" I think it is more likely he is checking out the trees for any Blue Jays who might want to steal it from him ; )
Sorry for the lack of commenting. I seem to be running out of time in the day to do most things after work. If it isn't raining, a walk in the woods wins every time...leaving little time to do anything else before I start falling asleep. I do read your comments and appreciate every single thank you!
D x
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