
You could say that.

I was right enjoying my ride even tho' the gears were slipping a bit on the uphill sections and there was a bit of rubbing noise from the chain. And then I happened to look down as I was coming back through Prestonpans and was quite alarmed to see bare jagged metal where a tube weld should be. I was even more alarmed when I pulled over, turned the bike upside down and discovered that the frame had almost sheared through in two places near the cranks. OK, check the phone...a text from justsitting asking me if I fancied a coffee. Quick reply....erm, if you're at home do you fancy a wee trip out East in your car to pick me and broken bike up?

He came for me, a knight in shining Ford Focus. Cheers mate!

As for the bike.....we'll see what news the bike shop giveth in the morning when I take it in. Two years old and frame nearly snapped. Can't be right, can it?

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