Wistful moments

By KathM

A stitch in time?...fat chance!

I took today off work as i'm still feeling achey and have no energy after picking up a sickness bug the other day. As i spent most of yesterday in bed i was awake early this morning, so dragged my duvet downstairs and was watching a film at 8am! This afternoon i decided to have a stint with my tapestry, but my previously spark out Rosie suddenly sprang into life when she spied the thread and that was the end of that idea! Little minx.

Anyway, in more exciting news...I'VE SOLD MY HOUSE!! Yikes, now it all gets a bit real and i'm free to go and look at some properties. I've already arranged a viewing for tomorrow, a nice little barn conversion, and another for Monday which is a much bigger house in a small village. I really hope that one of them grabs me!! :-))

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