Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Plenty to chew on

I didn’t venture further than the dustbins today. Having been to London yesterday and the day before, I just wanted to keep the home fires burning.

Strider and The Dizzle went to the local Remembrance Day service in the town square and said it was very moving. I always think of the many wars fought down thousands of years and how primeval and futile they were, but as a species we seem to be endlessly capable of making the same mistake over and over ...

I always try and think of how terrifying it must be. Arnold Ridley, he of Dad’s Army, was injured in World War I and actually fought hand to hand with a German soldier with bayonets. Terrible to think of.

We did stuff around the house, chilled a bit, talked a lot. Watched Peggy Sue Got Married tonight, part of our theme of watching old ‘eighties movies this year. Oh and I cooked vegan mac’n’cheese.

And we had a bit of a heart to heart ... which has left me with plenty to chew on. But best not to chew an Apple Pencil. They are rather more valuable than the average biro ...

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