Fathers' day
A fathers' day on Finland.
My husband made the day non-forgettable as he had a class reunion at saturday and came home all too late and drunk too. He was more than "touched" when coming home at early hours, soon began to feel ill and offered me hours fast cleaning for his vomits before kids came home from their disco - nights. Some washing carpets and his clothes too later in the morning.
As we all had woken up and kids had a good laugh about their dad, I made a lovely late breakfast for us at noon. In the afternoon our children left for shopping and I visited my dad in dementia ward.
Dad was in good mood and kept my hand a long time and liked to discuss everything with me. What a pity that I really can not understand his lost words anymore. I think I almost maybe could guess what he mentioned, or maybe it was only my imagination.
I made roasted salmon in lemon & pepper rub and cream sauge, potatoes and green salad. Ice-cream and sweets and cake for dessert as the fathers' day meal. And I asked my stepmom to come over for the dinner too.
To make the early morning situations and consequences crystal clear to my husband, I left some worst textile cleaning just for him for the evening. It is sometimes good just to have to knee down and CLEAN atleast a part of your mess just by yourself... And I thanked him fot non-forgettable day :)
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