Today, 100 years after the end of WW1, we are asked to stop and remember sacrifices of many young men, and women in the War to end all Wars. My family was lucky. We did not lose anyone. Nonetheless, this picture shows my Great-Grandfather (centre seated), Grandfather (left) and Great Uncle (right). They closed up their Butcher’s Shop in South London and joined the Royal Horse Artillery on the same day in 1915; they served in France at Ypres and many other locations. All three served on the same artillery piece. One shell would have obliterated the entire family. My Great-Grandfather and Great Uncle were badly affected by mustard gas and were repatriated earlier than my Grandfather, who saw the War through and was demobilised in 1919. My Grandfather was the only one of the three who legally could have served. Joining at age 17, he lied and gave his age as 19, so that his younger brother, aged 16 and therefore too young, would be more credible when he gave his age as 18. Their father was too old, as over 41, so lied again to join. I am very proud that they were prepared to take such a risk for us all. We Will Remember Them.
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