Spend It Wisely

My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,

Today's blip comes direct from Cazza's phone. She got this 50 cent piece in change recently. We both thought it was very cool.

Today's story is that Cazza and I went to a Big Hairy Hippy Festival Sustainable Green Living Expo. Cazza wanted to go so that she could exchange her Rock-It board. 

What, pray tell, is a Rock-It board, I hear you ask. It's a hippy bloody thing exercise device. It looks like a big skateboard without wheels that has warped and bent. The idea is that you balance on it and well "rock it" and it improves your core muscles.

Cazza's Rock-It board was plain wood but she had ordered distressed white, so when the expo was in town, the Rock-It people suggested she come along and exchange it. We accomplished this fairly quickly and then because it was a nice day mojitoooooooooo time.

So we had a lovely afternoon eating and drinking in the sun. And then because we are so rock and roll we literally collapsed home on the couch and napped for hours. Cazza is still asleep now. I am watching a nice quiet programme about rescuing baby sloths. 

Look at Cazza. Look at baby sloths. Look back at Cazza... hmmmm...

This is what Sundays are for. Maybe I can be persuaded to go to another Hippy Festival sometime.


It is 6:30, and we are watching "Outlaw King" starring Chris Pine on Netflix. I didn't know anything about this film, but Cazza seemed to know all about it.

There was a love scene at one point. "Ooh," said Cazza, "This'll be the full-frontal scene coming up..." she sat up straight and paid attention.

NOW I understand why she knows all about it.

It is 7.15. Feefs just called Cazza.

FEEFS: I'm f*cked.
CAZZA: Why? What's wrong with you?
FEEFS: I've been drinking since... ah... since... ah... since.
CAZZA: Who's that there with you?
FEEFS: That's Tremaine and Tiggy. Tremaine is f*cked.
CAZZA: What's the occasion?
FEEFS: We were watching the roller derby and... watching it.
FEEFS: There's like a million people here. We don't know where the children are. Carly's the responsible one.
CARLY: (Laughing in background).
CAZZA: Have you eaten?
FEEFS: I ordered a pizza before but I was spewing when he arrived.
CAZZA: Maybe I should just leave you to it.
FEEFS: Oh my f*cking god.
CAZZA: Right then. Bye!

Then 10 minutes later, another call - 

FEEFS: Everyone has left me.
CAZZA: What? What do you mean?
FEEFS: Tremaine's gone. Oh right yeah, f*ck off then. Tiggy just buggered off too.
CAZZA: Is that The Nipper? He could get you some water. Nipper? Nipper? Come here.
FEEFS: Nah. Too late. He's gone too. He already tells people I drink too much.
CAZZA: Really?
FEEFS: Yeah. He told his teacher and everything. Where's Symon? Sorry for disturbing your weekend Symon.
CAZZA: That's all right. We love you. Try to spew.
FEEFS: 'Kay then. Byeeee.

As it turns out, Tremaine did leave Feefs. She made it out to her car, put on the seatbelt, and passed out. 

Feefs sent a pixt with the caption, "I can't move her, what should I do?"

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