A couple of old fossils

I hesitate to make any allusions here, but after "a fine lunch"™ with Sheol and Cathy and Noel and Mary I'm home and looking for an emergency blip. 

A year or so ago, Charlotte was fossil hunting in, I think, the south of France, and she gave me a handful of foliage fossils. This is one and there's another in the extra. Not easy to capture under artificial light, but I've used a ring flash and under-exposed a stop.

The background is the black cover of a book, the animation thereof is sailing around the interwebz at the moment. It's a Greenpeace produced storybook entitled "There's a Rang Tan in my bedroom", and the animation was to be used by Iceland, who have recently stopped using Palm Oil in their products. 

The standards authority, in this case Clearcast, have determined this is "too political" and have banned it. It is therefore very easy to find online and it may be that Iceland have scored a brilliant marketing goal. Maybe that lobbyist was too clever for his own good. Even Janet was talking about shopping there.

I'm getting everything ready for tomorrow now. Early in the morning I'll be up to check the road is clean, and erect the public address system (newly purchased), then back home to suit up and spend some time at the hall complete with parish council poppy wreath before we all process to the war memorial for the Civil Act of Remembrance. 

Now to have a nice chat with the weather gods...

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