Sign Of The Times?
The picture I wanted to use today is in the extras, because it really is a terrible shot.
We were down in town doing our errands separately, and passed each other on the High Street. TM said 'If you want a Silly Saturday Shot, there's s skeleton in the passenger seat of that white van parked outside the butcher's.'
So - phone in hand, I approached the van and was just about to click when I caught the startled look on the face of the lady inside - wrong van! I hadn't quite regained my composure when I blipped the right one, so there are too many unhelpful details in it - like a selfie, and a lot of odd reflections. But I'm pretty sure it was a real skeleton - and it was wearing a seat-belt. Only in Jed ......
Round the back of the butcher's is a lane, and in it the house sign above. I wonder what it says about the occupants?
Thanks again Admirer for encouraging the silliness.
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