Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Squiggle for Silly Saturday

For those of you who prefer your squirrels with tails, let me apologise straight away, but I thought just this once it was worth losing it to focus in on those luxuriant whiskers and the rather endearing ginger armpit!

Also thought this might qualify it for Admirer's wonderful SillySaturday challenge (thank you so much for hosting, Admirer).

It was beautiful clear blue when I woke so I got out early.  I went to look for the heron or the deer, neither of which were found, but the squiggles were bouncing about the sweet chestnut trees and playing tag through the branches.  They may not be as cute as the reds but are still amusing, enchanting and annoyingly elusive.  It was such fun trying to capture them.

By 11.30 the sun had gone.  Going into town for food for the weekend, it turned very dark and everyone got soaked.  Still, that's a thing of the past and now the heating's on!

Thank you all for your really lovely comments, hearts and stars on yesterday's.  Rememberance still has the power to move us so, doesn't it?

Happy Saturday evening  xx

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