the blink of an eye

By weedave

Pains in the glass!

it is not very often I get on my soap box ( well unless it's to reach the top shelf) but certain things have annoyed me today ( well ok not just today ( well ok really yesterday ))
I was asked to go and get a mini greenhouse from a friend's relative as they could not get it in thier car but it would fit in my van
I set off down to kilmarnock and was upset by the amount of drivers in large expensive cars who were using thier mobile phones .....ggggrrrrrr.. makes my blood boil..they can spend however many thousands on a car but cant put a handsfree kit in it ... or at least have a £20 bluetooth ear piece on

the other thing was the amount of litter lying about...why oh why cant people take it home ..think I'll start taking pics of people dropping it and send it to the councils !!!

takes deep breath and relaxes ...ahhh ...blood pressure falling and red mist retreating from vision !!!!

the laugh was the green house did not fit so had to dismantle half of it and use some "BFI" to get it in and back out of the van

caught this after nipping down to the shops for some grub and calpol ( fiona had/has abit of a temp!)

well typing this on wednesday in the bright sunshine .. might even try and get a daylight shot for a as always feel free to comment ( good or bad )...but most of all Enjoy !!!!

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