Coed trefol

Coed trefol ~ Urban trees

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Ers dysgais i am y ffordd bod coed yn cyfathrebu dan ddaear, rydw i wedi bod yn feddwl am beth fywyd am coed trefol. Weithiau maen nhw'n ar eu pen eu hunain, wedi'u hamgylchynu gan goncrid. Fydden nhw ddim cael cyfle cysylltu gyda choed eraill. Tybed os maen nhw'n teimlo ar eu pen eu hunain. Rydw i'n meddwl ei fod e'n dda i werthfawrogi ein coed trefol ac yn edrych ar eu hôl.

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Since I learned about the way that trees communicate underground, I've been thinking about what life is like for urban trees. Sometimes they are alone, surrounded by concrete. They wouldn't have the opportunity to connect with other trees. I wonder if they feel alone. I think it's good to appreciate our urban trees and look after them.

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