A day off...
I've had a relaxed day off doing lots of nice things. Well, nice things for me. It began with a lie in, then I went with Jon to Lidl to do the shopping, followed by coffee in a newish cafe in Cromer called Hatters. It was busy, with people of all ages. A lovely setting, the owners have transformed the ladies fashion shop into a really nice cafe and it also has lots of bits for sale. One thing we noticed were blankets made from recycled plastic bottles. They looked like cotton/wool mix. Amazing. Go there if you are ever in Cromer!
After lunch after a bit of faffing, I cycled up to the allotment. Henry and Jon joined me. Jon got the mower going then left us to get on with stuff at home, and Henry cut all the grass. I was on a mission to sort out my strawberry plants as they were still in the small raised bed in my old plot. I used some old tent poles and lashed them across the old table frame (clove hitch and square lashing...I couldn't survive without those knots!) then slotted these old tubs in between. I planted some of my strawberry plants but need to go back tomorrow to finish. I now have lots of tiny ones from the runners. I'm not sure what the best thing is to do with these but am going to plant them in a separate bed to let them grow bigger.
I also started to dig over one of the beds, which I will finish tomorrow. I dug in this weeks teabags which ive been collecting. They will help break the soil down. It is going to be a proper successful allotment this one!!
I cycled back in the almost dark. Cooked pizzas for tea while the boys were at the gym. Now we are watching the last episode of Strangers, and then I'm going to have a bath. So you see, a nice day!
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