Frilly Flower

This is the lovely bouquet of flowers that TJ bought me for our anniversary, which is actually tomorrow, but I have plans for what to blip then:-)  Can anyone identify the pink frilly flower in the centre?  

Another visit to Ninewells Hospital in Dundee and yet another eye injection.  In and out in 15 minutes, which is pretty impressive!  It took longer to park the car:-)  No pain this time, but I have large black "floaters" in the eye, which I know will disappear soon, but which look just like flies buzzing round my head. Rather disconcerting!

We stopped off at the local garden centre on the way home, as TJ had a voucher for free scones and tea for two as a birthday gift, as he's a member of their Gardening Club.  His birthday was in October, so he thought he'd better use them up. Most enjoyable:-)

Many thanks to admirer for hosting Flower Friday.

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