Having hosted thousands of children at the Cathedral over the past few years, today I was taken on a tour of the Cathedral ...... and I learned so much! I learned about .....
The young man who stuck his head above the parapet & got it blown off with a cannonball
The first Bishop of Chelmsford who refused to wear his posh hat & coat, he wanted to identify with ordinary people. Previously he opened a centre for refugees, gave them employment & fought for their rights.
The 16th century vandals who broke the windows
The upside down graffiti
Doors with birds & bees
Mystery plays, armouries & libraries
The man who lost his wife less than a year into married life ... and gave an exquisite window in memory
A tree of life with 2 Judas Iscariot's.
The link between Chelmsford Cathedral & the Father of American Democracy & founding of Connecticut.
And more!
Thanks Brian.

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