
By tookie

Macro Droplet

Back to the droplets again today...and another rather splendid day it was too. It began early with a warm water workout that felt ooooooooo so goooooooood! And then a drive home though the soupy pea soup foggy morn. Soft filmy layers of fog lay gently over the greenbelt near our home. It was really all quite lovely.

I spent a major part of the day packing up and mailing a batch of cookies for an Ohio friend who caretakes her mom. Things have really gotten tough for her of late and her caretaking role has increased. I asked how I could help...she said if I could make some of their family Christmas cookie recipes that would lighten her load. Made one yesterday and mailed it today. Not I'm in the process of making another one. Quite fun and easy --now I just hope they don't all arrive in smithereens! She likes to have them early and might even freeze some.

Rest of day I grocery shopped, blew some leaves---ugh, and blipped:)

Happy Tuesday could even be a snoozeday:)

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