Another homecoming
So I took the camera and tripod up to the top of the village, and sat there. Shot after shot of 30 second exposures using the same ND8 stopper as yesterday (I did warn you).
I'm slightly disappointed (but then again, not) that not one blue light police car, fire truck or ambulance went by me all evening, but I'm quite taken with the new electric blue digital headlights. As you can see, the poppies even made it up here, and if you're interested we'll be on national news tomorrow (BBC1 six o'clock and ten).
Given that the village is being offered up as a sacrifice to the god of house building, the traffic will probably make an even better shot in years to come - or perhaps we'll simply all be gridlocked and stationary. Time will tell.
Anyhow, as promised, another long exposure. Perhaps tomorrow, some water... right now Janet's not keeping up with the Prosecco. I probably need to help.
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