
By NellieD

The Queen of random requests

So today I received another random request at the crochet/knit group I run. My group is the official Manchester branch of the UK Knitting and Crochet Guild so we're pretty visible when people are looking for a group.

In December, The Contact Theatre is staging Forest of Forgotten Discos, a family friendly, alternative Christmas show.  Whilst being very fun and silly in parts it encourages wider thought around difference, acceptance and loving each other. The piece is set in a forest, where the main character Red (who has run away from home) befriends some bears she meets.

They have asked if we can yarn bomb the trees that they are making for the stage. Not quite as random as last month's bacteria project for the Science Festival!

Last year we were supposed to yarn bomb Elizabeth Gaskell's House for the annual heritage weekend.  We spent months making squares to cover the trees, bunting for the railings and loads of stuff for a treasure hunt for the inside of the house ... biscuits for the cafe, a bonnet for the servants quarters and even a Charlotte Bronte doll to hide behind the curtains in the living room (which is what she did when Elizabeth Gaskell had a visitor and she was too shy to meet them).

The weekend before the event we spent all day stitching the squares together into panels ... and then on the Monday they told us the new management didn't want to go ahead with it.  To say I was annoyed and disappointed was an understatement and I really don't think they appreciated the amount of work we had put in.

They did then say they supposed we could do it but I wanted our time and effort to be appreciated, not tolerated - so I declined.  

A lot of the squares have now been turned into blankets for Knit for Peace, a charity that donates blankets, hats etc. to people in need across the world.  However, I've been sat with a huge bag of very random squares in my craft room for ages now and I think this might be the perfect opportunity to use them up!  

Quote for today:
Disappointment is nothing but an eye-opening learning process for your future endeavours.
- Edmond Mbiaka

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