Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff


Had a late one with the CFO and then a gibber about hillwalking with a mate before leaving work. Part of me was a wee bit glad not to riding through the fields after yesterday. Bastards, shouldn't feel this way. Ride home was largely uneventful.

Played about with the wee camera in the dark, the technology this thing uses in "pixel pairing" is fantastic for low light shots like this as is the image stabilisation, just wonderful. Halves the resolution but WTF? Only knobs view all their shots a pixular level. I've found the book for the X10 maybe I need to have a wee read of it, only had it nearly a year...

We have a government minister coming to the office tomorrow, you always get a laugh when we get a minister at the flunkies rushing about with the armful of files and constantly attached to a mobile phone, just need Malcolm Tucker...

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