This afternoon I went to the Metrocentre  to do a bit of shopping and also to go to the cinema.  I saw Nativity 2.  It was a very popular film - the audience consisted of me - and 4 others.!   Its a childrens film so I suppose it will  be busier when the children aren't at  school.  It was a silly film with a predictable plot but the kids in it were great and the story was heartwarming.  And there was David Tennant too - playing a nice schoolteacher - and his not so nice twin brother.

This will have to be a quick blip as I'm off to my brothers soon.  I will be taking this book with me.  Its a history of our family from the 12th Century.  I already have a copy of my own but decided to get one for my brother so he can pass it down to his family.

There is an accompanying booklet - " A Lineage from the 14th Century "  and I can trace our own Warneford line back from my Grandfather who is shown in the booklet.  When I got married I was rather sad to change my name from Warneford and  I guess a lot of women feel the same leaving behind the name they were born with.

So probably won't have time to do many - or any comments this evening.  I will catch up tomorrow.

Box update - Neil and his team took some this morning and there are now 23 left.  He got a phone call from " The Boss " asking him of he could go down and do some Asda's in Scunthorpe and Grimbsy at the end of this week.  His present team can't do it as they are students and need to do a bit of Uni work.  This will mean Neil has no transport as one of the others has the car.  So unless he can find another friend, with a car, who has some free time then he will have to pass on a trip to Lincolnshire.

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