It’s Complicated
Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,
My happy chat with you this morning O’H dear broke my funk. I do hope you didn’t lose any mittens in your dreams last night!
Which was just as well because Physio Paul did not give me a gold star at my physio appointment. He wants to check if there is an additional ligament tear but he can’t really tell from his examinations as my knees aren’t normal due to their ‘complicated history’. I told him that my knees were offended and his assessment sounds like a Facebook relationship status!
I am back to resting (ie bored sh1tless) and I have an appointment with a doctor next week who will refer me for an MRI. It’s actually really good because at least we will know for sure what’s going on. I just have to get over my white coat syndrome. Have I ever mentioned how much I absolutely hate going to see any doctor?!!
The Explorer was a complete star and took Murphy for his afternoon walk. I distracted myself by cooking and singing loudly (and out of tune) to the soundtrack from ‘A Star Is Born’.
The Explorer told me that one of our mutual friends, a teacher, asked her P1 class last week if any of them knew a word with a ‘curly c’ and a ‘kicking k’.
One of the little boys excitedly put up his hand...
‘Cock, Mrs B. That has a curly c and a kicking k’
It could have been worse...
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