With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

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There wasn't much incentive to out today. We had a terrific storm last night and it has poured down ost of the day. They made it back ok for lunch and we had a great tinme relaxing together, I justified it by having cleaned the oven earlier. Later on I went to collect the boys from schoolas it was absoutely chicking it down, but was caught up behind a trail of cars. Trying to spot them I somehow enraged a bored policceman who set off his siren at me and subsequently missed them. I didn't catch them up until they had made it home drenched. We went for some cake in Cafe Paris to make up for it all and had a good splash and invented a new joke voice in the car on the way back: a sort of Solleric Johnny Vegas.

The firewood was supposed to arrive today, but has been delayed until tomorrow due to the rain (?), so we have dug out the last hidden logs from last winter and have lit the first fire of the season. Keep warm everyone, winter is on its way for some.

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