Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

A flourish of calligraphers

The Dizzle and I had a pub lunch and went for a walk on the hills above Shere today. Found an abandoned encampment amongst the trees with this decorated stump. Maybe it was art students communing with nature. Or calligraphers, for whom the collective noun is a "flourish". Anyway they left the place tidy which is all that matters.

Struggled again today, apart from an hour mid morning when I fizzed with energy for no explicable reason. In an attempt to regain some equilibrium I have gone on the wagon and am endeavouring to eat more healthily (I’m one of those vegans who has too many cakes, chips and craft ale; it isn’t all tofu and lentils in my world).

Saddened to hear of the death yesterday of someone who we used to see quite a lot of in the days when The Dizzle was active in the local drama world. Very poignant. She had a fantastic rep for being the life and soul etc.

Back to work tomorrow.

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