
By Gracesblip

new beginnings?

Another day off school. I can't say i actually enjoy it, but it feels better than me being there. Been having A LOT of time off and i know, i know it's not good but i'm thinking of leaving but i have to have a plan 1st.

I have loads of plans and loads of ideas that i want to carry through to make my life a success. But not in a great place at the moment. So... I've been searching and searching for jobs and this is insanely difficult! But i'm refuseing to give up. I'm very, very determined to do something big with my life.

I picture a lot of stuff in my head and i'm very visual and practical. Not academic but right now im stuck in an academic place, school. I feel like its being shoved down my throat.

Aswell as searching and applying for jobs i was doing some work in my garden. Getting it a bit tidier and ready for new plants going in. These are some seed that i took from some flower heads today and safe keeping till next year.

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