Today I went to the Candy store...
Rats 3 - Me 0
Squirrels 2 - Me 1
Time for NON lethal spicy warfare....
No matter what I had tried, those darn rats kept finding away to have a buffet.. so I had put the feeder away for awhile and started reading.. It seems the squirrels hate super hot peppers and they give the rats a very upset stomach but it does no harm to the birds.. So trial number 4 in thwarting the rats....I also picked up a new hummingbird feeder as the other one was having issues...
I then headed over to see my dad. The first thing I noticed was his color was mostly back and the swelling that he had, was down considerably.. He said he was feeling a bit better too.. We talked a little bit about nothing, chatted about nothing and just shot the breeze.. He even asked for a Sprite soda next time as that is one of the things he can have again.. A bit of joy for me too being able to bring him something besides myself..
Headed to Portland tomorrow...
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