Crow blip Hunting
This is a crow "blind" I set up this snowy morning to try to capture the 9 crows who come to feed regularly. I was sitting freezing in the back of the car, parked in the garage with the back door open.
I heard the crows all over the neighborhood sending signals to each other when they saw me putting bread cubes at the end of the drive. You can see them, yellow, to the left. Number of caws signified something. First one intrepid scout came in and took a taste of my failed loaf of bread. Uncle Buddy Budd sat there and chattered at it. Crow scout flew off sending a message into the air. Soon three others glided into the maple tree and looked down at the day's fare. I snapped two photos (without flash); alas, they flew off and sent out alarm caws. This whole time UBB sat there watching with me. We gave up. The house is so nice and warm.
During our light, steady snow this morning I snapped several more promising, colorful, or even "artsy" blips but this one had the best story.
Not to worry, there will be plenty more snowy opportunities as the days go along.
Warning: the village square Christmas lights are all up and lighted... but I am resisting blipping anything yet. Thank you very much!
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