Fireworks in the Sky
Beloved languished between the sheets until some time before lunch today. Meanwhile I did my best to communicate with the children in competition with screens, throw wood into the burner at a vast rate and peruse websites for a suitable cold weather cycling jersey from a mind-boggling array of 656 different options, most of which were discounted on the basis that a remortgage request hadn't been planned for in the finances and I'd rather avoid anything in shades of pink.
Master H declined the invitation to accompany me to the barbers after lunch, but the idea of dining out in the evening, followed by fireworks met with universal appeal, surprisingly enough!!
I really ought to have made in-roads on the quite conservative 100 miles target cycling distance for this month, but a lack of pockets required to store phone for recording the miles travelled and thus having the ability to provide the required evidence of such, caused a dampening of enthusiasm for the task.Any excuse!
The less said about photos of the actual fireworks taken on my phone, the better. Here's one I took with 'proper' camera a few years ago.
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