RIP Aunty Thelma.
Aged 93, and having lived an amazing life, my aunt passed away last night. Her husband, Reg, my Mum’s brother was a missionary for the South American Missionary Society and they lived 15 years in Chile from the late 1950s to the early 70s. They told wonderful stories of their time there, some of them so very funny.
So with JB earlier this week, an old school friend of Mr L’s in the middle of the week and now Thelma, we have lost 3 people this week. Bill has at least been discharged, with sack loads of medication and is feeling like there is a small light at the end of the tunnel. Brenda is still not soo good, and remains in hospital.
My blip seems to be full of sadness, but Megan cheered me tonight with a series of funny texts.
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