Being Brave

More adventures for Missy. 
Another ride out in the car & left for a while in her travel crate (I could see the car through the window at all times). She now seems to be quite happy to just sleep whilst I drive.
Then the unexpected adventure of our neighbours inconsiderate ridiculously loud fireworks, let off right next to us... We'll that didn't go quite as well and she climbed into my hoody, but she's back to bouncing around now.
I was fairly brave too and attended another Lib Dem meeting, this time with Tim Farron. Whatever his failures as a Leader he's an exemplary local MP. This week his office have dealt with their 100,000th pièce of constituency work, incredible for 13 years. But wow does our local party need to reform and change something (& I'm not saying I know what). After 18 months away I still knew every face in the room. Sigh. 

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