On The Home Stretch
Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,
Now that Halloween is over, its time to start getting excited about the serious business of Christmas. The clocks have changed. It’s cold and properly dark when I leave work now. ‘It’s November today. That means it’s 54 days until Christmas’, I mentioned to The Youngest Mini Princess this morning. ‘Yeah, I knew that’ was the reply. I had forgotten that she starts counting down from September. She is by far the most Christmassy person in our family. Possibly the street.
I went for a few drinks with Kitty Cat this evening. She has an infected lump on the top of her head which we (I) think is hilarious to refer to as her ‘extra nipple’ (although it’s clearly lost if that’s where it thinks it should be growing). If it’s still there at Christmas, we can put tinsel round it!
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