More autumnal loveliness

Whenever I'm working from the office, I try to walk to Asda to get my lunch. It's a lovely little route, out along Natland Road and then cutting across along Natland Mill Beck Lane, going over the old canal. Today, it was looking especially lovely; lots of autumn colours in the sunshine.

It was pretty much dark by the time I left to drive down to Chorley, though. Driving on the motorway in the dark makes me much tireder than it used to. I thought it was my age but my colleague Steve says it's the halogen lights on cars (although perhaps he's just being kind). Either way, I had a twenty minute nap in the car park at David Lloyd before going in for a swim.

After that, feeling very refreshed, I went into town to meet Dom and a slightly jaded Simon, who had just completed a ten hour drive down from Scotland. Even so, we had a lovely evening, with the Minx joining us after seeing some old friends. 

-11.8 kgs
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