
By BrackenOE

Home & Resting ....

after a worrying 4 days and having had a scan on Wednesday morning it turned out that Bracken's limp which he encountered whilst he was boarding for a few days was a moderate disc compression. Our Vet diagnosed it as this but sent the images away to the Animal Trust Hospital in Newmarket who confirmed his findings and said to treat with medication and cage rest. He was probably enjoying himself so much on his holiday running off lead and trying to keep up with the BIG boys that it is possible he may have jumped and twisted his spine causing his disc to compress. Thank goodness our Vet kept him in when the images revealed this and put him straight on 24/7 care, meds and cage rest for at least a week. He was supposed to stay in over the weekend but this morning when the Vet telephoned and updated us he said he was showing signs of stress of being in their environment and as he was now out of pain would probably be better at home with familiar surrounding as long as we kept him on cage rest. He could go out for frequent on the lead short walks around the garden only. It was the right decision as he has completely relaxed since he has come home, slept a lot and eaten a good dinner and gone back to sleep again and loves his cage. He always used to have this as his Den and sleeping area for many years with the door open so it wasn't a problem encouraging him to use it again for resting. Hopefully the disc will continue to heal but he has to go back Monday for his check up and should anything happen  before we have the emergency number to ring as if it compresses again it would certainly require an operation immediately which being very complex is only done as a last resort. Fingers crossed with our watchful eye and care this will not be necessary.

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