A beautiful day...

I had to go for an early swim because I was leading the first meeting of the U3A Geocaching Group at 10.00am.

There were plenty of the regulars at the pool when I got there and I was given a friendly welcome though I have lost my identity. I am now Ian’s sister rather then Sue; which is fair enough because he’s been a winter swimmer on and off for years. it’s a shame I had to be off early because some of the ladies were going outside the pool for their swim and invited me to go along. Next time I certainly will join them.
The geocaching went well and we found 3 caches (2 new ones for me) and the keen ones are starting to emerge while the “also rans” are already starting to drop out.
And my packing of boxes went pretty well this afternoon. Apart from shoes and clothes nearly all done and so has most of the cleaning... now a happy bunny contemplating a glass of wine.

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