
By strawhouse

Up, Up and Away!!!

Miss E does love a bouncy trampoline swing thing!!
It was the now annual fireworks display at her school tonight and it was just as fabulous as last year. 
Miss E insisted on going about seven hours early so they could get full enjoyment of the fairground rides, sausage stalls, candy floss stalls, glow stick stalls, fizzy drink stalls and any other stalls they could throw money at.
I started off grumpy at the earliness at our arrival but I met Mrs C and had a nice chat, had a cup of tea, and watched the children having fun.
Mr K arrived just before the fireworks started. He only just had time to get a burger!!
The fireworks were brilliant. Lots of Oohs and Aaahs!!
Then it was home to Archie, Killing Eve and bed.

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