Tractor Thursday ...

A morning of running around. Bob from McCormick tractors dropped his car off and I gave him a lift to St Boswell’s to collect the tractor that they used at the ploughing match over the weekend. Left him to drive it back home so I can finish my months free use of it.
Called in at the mart for a look on the way past as there was a breeding cattle sale on , and a special sale of Luings. Really just an excuse for a black pudding roll and a coffee.
Back up the road then over next door to bring in more cows and calves and sort them into different lots.
Then took my new to me car for a run to collect vaccine from the vet . A lot more gadgets than my old jeep and VW seats aren’t as comfy but hopefully it won’t break down as much !The temptation of Costco was too much so ended up coming home with the usual huge pizza, Danish pastries and croissants . They didn’t all make it to the deep freeze !
This is the line up of new tractors in stock at the tractor dealer this morning .

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