Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Good day, good day...

Woke up this morning feeling fine.  Then tried to light a little gas heater  to take the chill off the office - it saves whacking the full heating on until much later ( 0730, I'm a cheapskate) and it wouldn't ignite.  Half an hour later I'd given up on the repair and priced a new one at MachineMart in town.  Then I had an idea that maybe it wasn't a piezo problem but a dodgy connection.  And it was!  Feeling quite chuffed about it.  MachineMart lost a customer.

Finally bit the bullet in town and signed up to a 4G broadband contract.  We've been struggling with max 0.9mbps download speeds for years, BT have no interest in our problems though are happy to charge full price for the dreadful service.  I've stuck with them because I believed they'd eventually get it right but after many years  of promises I've given up.  I've put in an EE router and in an instant I have 26mbps downloads and it's breathtaking!  I can download music and films, use the iPlayers, put photos on Flickr and SmugMug, whizz through the daily newspaper sites and watch their news clips.  Oh joy.

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