Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The last chocolate

"The research reported here demonstrates the power of endings in everyday life.  ...Participants who knew they were eating the final chocolate of a taste test enjoyed it more, preferred it to other chocolates, and rated the overall experience as more enjoyable than participants who thought they were just eating one more chocolate in a series."

University of Michigan: Saving the Last for Best: A Positivity Bias for End Experiences

But do you want to be the one to want to take it and eat it?

Worked at home from 6 am until 3.30 pm when I went to a meeting, which was quite positive. Picked up Top Gun and we came home together which was even better. Came home, had some supper, carried on working.

Poor TSM had a day in the office then went to an evening meeting for two and a half hours. Talk about above and beyond ...

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