
By FlissyLoo


went to be interviewed to renew my passport and wow some of the questions were a bit weird...
the normal questions i expected..
when's your birthday?
when's your dad birthday?
where do you live?

odd questions i didn't expect...
why do you want to renew your passport if you haven't used it before? (because going on holiday isn't a possibility apparently)
how many floors is your house?
which floor do you sleep on?
how many of you are there in your house? (kind of a stupid question, there's only one of me in the world) ( i did answer appropriately though)

completely random and irrelevant questions..
what phone do you have?
is that android?
Do you have the gangnam style app? <<< WHAT?
xbox or ps3?? <<< WHAT? (but xbox of course :P)

that was an interesting interview

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