The Bright Knight...

The Christopher Nolan Batman is somewhat dark, getting darker toward the third film. He drew a lot of inpiration from the comics which can get just as, if not more brutal but the kids have been introduced to the Dark Knight in small doses and Ewan has a couple of bitchin' pairs on Batman undercrackers.

The Batman undercrackers look closer to the Adam West 1966 Batman than the Christopher Nolan Dark Knight so I told him I thought that his pants were depicting West's Bright Knight as he gets distinguished. I think the pants are based on the Brave and the Bold Batman but the conversation led to introducing the kids to the 1966 Batman which looking at it now is really funny from my point of view but they love it.

This then led to some Batman drawing antics in which Ewan came up with the BatSewing machine which fits right into the the 1966 Batman beside their BatZooka, BatRope, BatTurn and BatPhone.

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