And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

German market!

German market in town its quiet small and all the time we were there this guy never sold one hot dog! he looked well and truly peed off! After getting my bits for restarting my diet tomoz we went to get a cafe and looked down on town. I love people watching today it was umbrella watching! never seen rain like it! if its effecting you big hugs!! I was watching the hot dog guy also he made him self a hot dog, his choice of sauce is definitely not mine, first a squirt of ketchup, then a squirt of brown sauce as if that was not bad enough a big squirt mayo yuck yuck! each to there own though!

I went to docs they have changed tablets again and put dressing on, if not any better in 2 days got to go in!! thanks for all your kindness.

love c x x x

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