Feed The Birds - Tuppence A BAg

Last night I started choking on a bit of food.
That started a coughing fit which has knackered the muscles on my diaphram and given me the most hellish headache and sinus pain which has not subdued.

And the nurse wondered why my blood pressure was raised.
Although she was using one of those electronic testers which always read high ..... and fluctuate.
Both arms, twice each one and the readings were all over the place.
What a waste of time.

Took the Cygnets to feed the ducks this afternoon, although it was mainly the seagulls that were divebombing and being a complete pain.
It nearly freaked SWMBO out ...... she is not a lover of birds at the best of times.
The Cygnet however was quite happy to hand feed the geese - until one of them got a bit greedy and bit his fingers.

Now dosed up on pills and heading for bed

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