Busy Tony

Okay if you don't want to read a rant, click on another thumbnail quick! I didn't take the bike to work today because I wimped out with all the wet so come home time and it's already dark I missed one bus and decided to set off walking. The idea being that it is warmer to be wet and moving than standing still at a bus stop on a very busy road getting cold and wet. I thought I had judged my distance pretty well to be able to fork away from the bus route down the very dark Prune Park Lane and still arrive at the bus stop in time for the next one (according to the very sophisticated texting whatchmacallit that First Bus Bradford operate!) Missing the first bus was bad, walking uphill next to rush hour traffic in the siling rain was more bad, glancing off down the very dark Prune Park Lane with big puddles, no pavement and sadistic van drivers was worse, then to top it all when I activitated the sophisticated texting device at the far end it told me there was still 17 minutes to go to the next bus.... so I set off walking again and the *@!*!@!! bus drove past!

S0 I rang Tony and he came to fetch me, tossing the oven timer at me as I fell into the car. Opening the front door the delicious aromas of homemade chicken and leek pie, apple pies and lemon curd and raspberry jam tarts made it all better again! And we all lived happily ever after!

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