The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Leave me alone...

Oooooh, I am sooooo cross! Honestly, I am fit to burst with crossness. Grrrrrr.

Let's get something straight. Every morning we go for a walk and we have to go a little bit slower cos of Mr Grumpy Slow Body. Do I moan? Nope.

Then once we have eaten our breakfast Mum makes me and Lottie go outside into the big kennel whilst Mr Old Body gets to stay in the house where it is warm and dry and hidden from the wind? And do I moan? Nope. He has all the space and can sleep in any of our beds, snuggle up to the radiator and watch the world go by through the patio door. And do I moan? Nope.

And then, once Mum has finally decided to come home from work (bit of a sore point, let's be honest!) and rescue us from the cold, we get to go in the house and put our flashy collars on ready for our walk. Bingo.

But today - what do we find when we go in the house? THAT LITTLE SHIT HAS PUT POO AND PEE IN MY BED!! My bed! Why my bed? Why not Lottie's bed? And he didn't even say sorry or look sorry or offer to share his dinner with me to make up for the fact that HE PUT POO IN MY BED!

So I am very grumpy and full of grrrrrr so I am going to hide under my blanket and sob cos Mum had to put my poo bed in the bin cos it was so smelly. Life sucks. And Rags is a little shit-ter.

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